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5 reasons why couples who work out together are happier

Couples who work out together stick together.

Getting fit for the sake of getting fit is always a good idea, but when you do it with your partner in crime, you partner up in more ways than one!

Exercise maximizes self-esteem and helps fight depression, which can help keep your partner in mind while working to stay healthy.

Here are 5 reasons why couples who work out together are happier with their relationship:

1. Exercise like Reformer Pilates increases desire

For most women, feeling motivated enough to exercise alone is difficult, but doing it with someone else makes all the difference… especially if that person happens to be your partner! The dynamic that forms between two people working toward single goal can actually improve feelings of intimacy toward each other.

Exercise also releases endorphins, which can help elevate your mood and cause you to feel happier even before the workout is over. This means that partner who you’ve got drenched in sweat with could be the partner of choice for cuddling up on the couch once it’s all said and done!

2. Exercise like Reformer Pilates boosts energy

Who doesn’t want a partner with boundless energy? You know what they say about people who are always on the move…they’re just so attractive! Working out together helps partner bond by fostering an activity that requires both partners’ input, instead of one partner running off to do his or her own thing while the other one twiddles his thumbs waiting for them to return. If partner bonding is what you’re after, partner up for the sake of partner up!

3. Exercise like Reformer Pilates builds trust

Working out together can build trust because it requires both partners to be totally honest about their feelings and level of fitness… good or bad. Trust that your partner will stick with you no matter how tough things get enables you to try harder than ever before even if just for your partner’s sake. The ability to do something difficult with someone else is an unspoken sign of affection that can leave both feeling closer than ever before!

4. Exercise like Reformer Pilates strengthens communication skills

Hitting the gym not only helps keep internal communication channels open but also external ones too—meaning you’ll talk more often during your workouts rather than when you’re relaxing. It may not sound like the most romantic thing to do, but partner up and you’ll both reap the benefits of having your cake and eating it too.

5. Exercise like Reformer Pilates encourages teamwork

Partner workouts require a partner! Working out in tandem—whether it’s weightlifting, swimming, biking or playing soccer together—can strengthen partner bonds by encouraging couples to work in unison and become one with each other and their goals… literally! This means that exercise can help you deal with each other more easily when partner bonding is at its best…and hardest. So partner up today and watch your relationship blossom into something beautiful!

Ready to join the tribe at Vibe Pilates?

We encourage everyone, of any age or ability, to join us for a Foundation class and see what Vibe Pilates is all about for yourself. You get to have a play with the machine and have fun learning new moves across a 45 minute workout.

Our Foundation session is a focus on the core foundations of the body. It’s a set up class designed for our beginners to get you started with confidence. The session is set at a slower pace to ensure you develop the understanding of the movement and feel why a reformer workout is so beneficial for your body.

Click here to join the tribe at Vibe Pilates today